Hi There,

My name is Jane Kariuki, the founder of ParenTeen Kenya.

Chances are high you are here because you are wondering who I am and why this phenomenal Kenyan Parent and Teen blog site is online. 

Let me tell you more about myself.

I am a Bible-believing Christian, Clinician, and Clinical Psychologist whose passion for teenagers started when I cleared high school. I volunteered for a year at a children’s home that had a high school. I got the opportunity to interact with high school teens, both in and outside class.

Just so you know, teenagers are an awesome group to hang out with. If you are a teen reading this, know that you are valuable and admired. Since then till now in my adult life, I have been mentoring teens and tweens.

Along the way, I learnt that teenagers have a lot to offer in the home and society, yet they are more often than not labelled as rebellious, problematic, and undisciplined. This negative narrative is how parents approach the teen years, and teenagers go into teenagehood believing this as their identity.

Why this Blog is the Go-to Place for Every Parent and Teenager

I started ParenTeen Kenya to dispel this wrong belief about teenagers and help parents learn how to navigate the teen years with a different mindset.

ParenTeen also offers a place where teenagers can learn more about themselves and get crucial information about the issues they go through; relationship- wise, psychologically, mentally, and spiritually.

I would like you to be a part of this noble endeavor, send your queries, suggestions, and feedback. Comment in the posts so that we can learn together.  When we know your concern we can address it better.

You can drop an email to info@parenteenkenya.co.ke

Better still, follow us on Facebooktwitter or Instagram.