Activities for Teens: 18 Activities to Do with Your Teenager

activities for teens near me and what can a 15-year-old do for fun

Without a doubt, being a parent to a teenager can be challenging. 

It can get to a point where you don’t want to talk to them because of all the disapproving things they may be doing. 

But it’s crucial to maintain a strong bond with your teen during this transformative stage. 

They still need your presence and validation regardless of how they behave. Engaging in activities together may cause them to have an attitude and behavioral change. In addition to:

  • Fostering open communication
  • Creating lasting memories
  • Strengthening your relationship

Encouraged to give it a try? Hope so. 

We have compiled a list of 18 exciting activities suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings. These activities are designed to encourage quality time, promote teamwork, and help you connect with your secretive teenager. Here is a table with a summary of these activities.

Outdoor ActivitiesIndoor Activities
Board Game NightHiking 
Cooking ChallengeBike Riding
Movie MarathonPicnic in the Park
DIY Craft ProjectsVolunteer Together
Puzzle SolvingOutdoor Sports
Singing Together NightNature Photography
Book ClubCamping Adventure
Virtual Reality AdventuresGardening
Home Pedicure/Manicure DayStargazing

So, let’s give you more details on these activities then you can choose those that fit your home environment.

1- Board Game Night

indoor activities for teens and events for teens near me

Gather your family around a table and engage in a friendly competition with classic board games like Monopoly, Scrabble, or Checkers. 

Board games provide an opportunity to bond, strategize, and have loads of laughter. 

Encourage friendly joking, celebrate victories, and learn from defeats. Such evenings not only bring joy but also strengthen family ties.

2- Cooking Challenge

Involve your teenager in the culinary world by planning a cooking challenge. Assign a dish to each family member, set a time limit, and see who creates the most delicious masterpiece. 

This activity not only enhances their cooking abilities but also promotes teamwork and creativity. 

Experiment with different recipes, encourage them to bring their own twist to the dish and enjoy a delicious meal together.

3- Movie Marathon:

Create a cozy atmosphere by setting up a home theater experience. Allow your teenager to select a series of their favorite movies or explore a new genre together. 

Prepare some popcorn and snacks, and enjoy a binge-watching session while discussing the plots and characters. 

This activity not only provides entertainment but also opens up opportunities for meaningful conversations about life, relationships, and values portrayed in movies.

4- DIY Craft Projects:

Unleash your artistic side by engaging in do-it-yourself craft projects. Whether it’s making cards, bracelets, or decorating stuff, these activities provide an opportunity for self-expression and collaborative creativity. 

Encourage your teen to explore their interests, try new techniques, and enjoy the process of creating something unique together.

5- Puzzle Solving

Work together to solve challenging puzzles or brain teasers. This activity promotes intense critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. 

Choose from jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, or logic games to engage your teen’s mind while having fun. 

As you work on puzzles, you can also engage in casual conversations, sharing thoughts, and bonding over shared experiences.

6- Singing Together Night

Singing together is a fantastic way to let loose, have fun, and create memories. Encourage your teenager to choose their favorite songs, practice duets, and showcase their talents. You can add a dancing twist to it.

This activity boosts confidence, promotes self-expression, and allows for a lot of laughter.

7- Book Club

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Engage in a book club together, where you can read and discuss books of mutual interest. Choose a book each month, set aside dedicated time for reading, and then come together to share your thoughts and insights. 

A regular book club promotes a love for reading and encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness as you explore different perspectives.

8- Virtual Reality Adventures

Embark on virtual reality adventures from the comfort of your own home. Invest in a virtual reality headset and explore immersive worlds, take virtual tours of historical sites, or engage in exciting virtual reality games. 

Supervised virtual reality allows your teenager to experience new environments and challenges while providing opportunities for shared thrills and laughter.

9- Home Pedicure/Manicure Day

Indulge in a relaxing and pampering home pedicure or manicure day. It is a delightful activity for you and your teen to pamper yourself and take care of your nails, hands, and feet in the comfort of your home.

Take turns giving each other a manicure or pedicure. This activity promotes self-care, relaxation, and fosters a sense of well-being.

10- Hiking

Explore the beauty of nature by embarking on a hiking adventure. Choose a trail suitable for your teenager’s fitness level and enjoy the fresh air, scenic views, and quality conversation along the way. 

Hiking not only provides physical exercise but also allows for meaningful discussions and moments of reflection.

11- Bike Riding

Plan a bike ride through local parks or scenic routes. Cycling provides an excellent opportunity for exercise, exploration, and bonding. 

Encourage your teenager to share their thoughts and observations as you ride together. Stop along the way to appreciate nature, take photos, and enjoy a picnic together.

12- Picnic in the Park

Pack a delicious lunch and head to a nearby park for a relaxed picnic. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors, soak up the sun, and engage in conversation while appreciating nature’s beauty. 

Bring a rope, football, or catty ball to add some extra fun and activity. 

This activity allows for relaxation, quality time, and a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

13- Volunteer Together

Engage in a meaningful activity by volunteering together. Choose a cause that aligns with your teen’s interests.

Examples include assisting in a children’s home, organizing a community event, or participating in a church activity. 

This experience fosters empathy, instills a sense of responsibility, and strengthens your bond. Working side by side for a common goal creates lasting memories and a sense of fulfillment.

14- Outdoor Sports

what can a 15-year-old do for fun? activities for teens near me

Engaging in outdoor sports like football, short marathons, or basketball is an excellent way to combine physical activity with quality time. Head to a nearby court, field, or park and challenge your teenager to a friendly match. 

Embrace friendly competition, encourage good sportsmanship, and celebrate each other’s achievements. This activity not only promotes physical health but also strengthens the parent-teen bond.

15- Gardening

Spend time together in the garden, planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs. Gardening teaches patience, responsibility, and provides a sense of accomplishment as you witness the fruits of your labor. 

Involve your teenager in planning the garden layout, selecting plants, and caring for them. As you work side by side, you’ll have ample opportunities for conversation and bonding.

16- Nature Photography

Encourage your teenager’s creativity by engaging in nature photography. Take a walk in a nearby park or nature reserve and capture the beauty of the natural world through your camera lens. 

Discuss different techniques, experiment with composition, and appreciate the small details that often go unnoticed. This activity allows for artistic expression, fosters observation skills, and encourages an appreciation for nature’s wonders.

17- Camping Adventure

activities for teens near me

Plan a camping trip together, whether it’s in your backyard, a nearby campsite, or a national park. Set up a tent, build a campfire, and spend quality time under the stars. 

Roast maize, meat, or marshmallows as you tell stories, and disconnect from technology to fully immerse yourselves in the outdoor experience. 

Camping promotes resilience, problem-solving, and strengthens family bonds.

18- Stargazing

Take advantage of clear nights and enjoy the wonders of the night sky through stargazing. Set up a cozy spot in your backyard—away from city lights. 

Use a star chart or a stargazing app to identify constellations, planets, and other celestial objects. 

Discuss the mythology and scientific facts behind the stars, and encourage your teen to ask questions and explore their curiosity about the universe. 

This activity fosters a sense of wonder, ignites an interest in astronomy, and provides an opportunity for meaningful conversations.

Explore ParenTeen Kenya

Engaging in activities with your teenager is essential for maintaining a strong parent-child bond. 

By trying out the suggested indoor and outdoor activities, you can create lasting memories, strengthen communication, and foster personal growth. 

ParentTeen Kenya offers a wealth of resources and information to support your parenting journey. 

Explore our blog for more tips and guidance to navigate the teenage years successfully.


Images by Unsplash, Pexel and Giphy.

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