How to have fun in college, without and how to enjoy college drinking

How to Have Fun in College (Without Alcohol or Partying)

Maybe you’ve heard about the horror stories that happen in college after a night of drinking. Or perhaps your health condition or religious beliefs don’t allow you to drink. 

You may also just want to stay sober and focus on your studies. Regardless, you can have fun in college or university without drinking alcohol or partying. 

It’s not going to be easy due to the long-held belief that college life is the place to have fun by partying and binge drinking. Your classmates or roommates will pressure you into indulging in alcohol. 

You must stand firm and surround yourself with other like-minded students who have made the same decision to abstain from the drinking culture.  

College life fun doesn’t only entail partying and drinking alcohol. You can engage in other activities to give you an unforgettable college experience. Let’s look at seven activities that can achieve these results.

1- Join Active Clubs

how to make college fun, is college fun?

Clubs are an excellent opportunity to meet people with the same interests and hobbies as you. Joining clubs in college is superior to high school because college offers more freedom and opportunity to explore outside the campus grounds. 

You can organize events to meet students from other colleges and participate in regional and national events. 

Once you join campus, ask around about active clubs and check on social media platforms for those that have group pages. 

Not all clubs originate from the college administration, students also start their clubs, but they must inform the campus of their existence. Examples of clubs you can join include:

  • Art and graphic design
  • Music and film production
  • Environmental
  • Animal 
  • Cooking
  • Science
  • Media
  • Political
  • Community service

Active clubs organize various fun activities that will keep you engaged on Friday evenings or over the weekend. Once you reach a milestone finish a task, you can plan a fun outdoor activity to celebrate your club’s achievements.

2- Take Part in Sports

You may be thinking that sports is not for you. But before you dismiss this idea, sporting in college is slightly different from high school. You can join a sport and not necessarily play for a club or team but offer support and initiate fun moments. 

Additionally, members who do not play for major leagues schedule a time to play for fun without a coach’s supervision. Other great reasons why you should engage in sports are:

  • Stress reliever 
  • Sense of belonging
  • Improves physical and mental health
  • Grow your support group 

College is also the perfect place to get out of your comfort zone and take part in activities you didn’t imagine you could. Recreational sport is one of them. Ask around campus for the various sports groups available and when they meet. You can try several sports and settle for one that excites you.

If you can’t find a sport that fits what you have in mind, start one, and with enough effort, you will find people interested in joining. 

3- Hangout in Friendly Environments

how to have fun in college without alcohol

In other words, put yourself out there. As you do this, people will see you, and you’ll get an opportunity to interact with them. Instead of keeping to yourself or staying indoors, acquire new habits like:

  • Eating your lunch where people can see you instead of in your room
  • Study outside and enjoy nature
  • Take walks during breaks instead of scrolling through your phone
  • Workout with friends instead of watching movies

When you surround yourself with nature and friendly people and participate in simple activities, you’ll have fun and appreciate college life more. 

College students who party and drink alcohol spend most of their weekends nursing hangovers and planning their next drinking spree. If you think about it, they are not enjoying the world around them in its entirety.  

4- Keep Track of College Events

College events are a great way of having fun, networking, and learning new ideas. Your university will post events on the notice board or online platforms. Check which ones align with your values and also allow you to have fun. Examples of college events you can attend are:

  • Community service 
  • Career fairs
  • Meet your mentor
  • Book debates
  • Crafts workshop
  • Music and arts festival
  • Trivia night
  • Sports or video game tournament

Notably, avoid events that get heated and cause unrest, such as extreme political rallies. They can quickly become destructive, and you may encounter law enforcement officers. 

5- Study in Groups

How to have fun in college as an introvert

You could be wondering how studying and having fun relate. It’s true that studying is not fun, but the benefits that come from studying as a group occur after you’ve finished. When you are done reading, you can have lunch together or do something impromptu to have fun. 

Having a small group of friends to study with can also help to ease the tension and stress that comes with academic matters. 

Some college students engage in alcohol to deal with the pressures of exams. But, instead of offering relief, it causes more challenges as they can become addicted, or their grades drop further due to persistent hangovers.  

You do not need to be in the same class with your study group mates; just being next to each other while reading provides a friendly, comfortable, and safe environment to get your studies done. However, make sure you study and not share stories. 

6- Join a Mission Group

Mission groups are often found in churches and Christian organizations. These institutions sometimes request college students to participate—with permission from the administration. 

If you hold the same beliefs as the religious group, ask if your campus has a mission group and whether they go for missions or outreach work. If not, look for one online that accommodates students in your area. 

Missions are an excellent way to meet new people and share about the goodness of God and how He has transformed your life. 

Mission work involves going around campus or traveling to other cities and countries to share the good news of Christ. In the process, you enjoy great company, explore nature, listen to people’s life stories, and experience a different side of life than what you’re used to in college. 

Most mission groups offer additional help to the people they reach out to. For example, Medical Missions Africa (MEMA) is a Christian mission group that organizes medical missions to various parts of Kenya. They often request medical students to attend and help according to their level of training. You get to practice your skill, share about God, and have fun in the process.  

7- Get Off Campus and Safely Explore

college life fun, how to enjoy college

If you’re introverted, you need to constantly remind yourself that there are things you can do and places to visit outside the campus. Activities you can engage in to get off campus include:

  • Exploring new or different eating spots
  • Visiting friends or family living close by
  • Taking part in community service 
  • Going hiking or having picnics
  • Looking for an internship or a part-time job in organizations close to campus
  • Attending helpful lectures and seminars outside the college

Use your free time to safely explore the world around you, expand your knowledge, and enjoy new experiences that do not involve partying and drinking alcohol. 

As a precautionary measure, do not get off campus without telling someone where you’re going or go with a friend you trust. In addition, avoid activities that will extend late in the night, and do not overshare your plans on social media. Lastly, learn about your college security program and how it can help in case of an accident or incident.

It’s about Time to Start Having Fun in College

Whether you want to join a music club, take part in all college events or join a mission’s group, there are many fun-filled activities to do in college that do not involve drinking alcohol and partying. 

College is a magnificent time to follow your passions and explore things you would typically not do. It’s also a wonderful time to form lasting friendships and memories. You do not need alcohol and crazy parties to do that.   

Get the help you need to navigate college life by contacting ParenTeen Kenya today. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I have fun in college without drinking?

  • Join a nature exploring group
  • Take an art or music class
  • Play a game or sport you love
  • Volunteer with an orphans or rescue center

Is it okay not to drink or party in college?

Yes, it is okay not to drink or party in college. Drinking and partying lead to activities and behaviors you may regret later. Look for other college students who do not want to party or drink and find healthy ways to have fun in college.

Can you stay sober and still have fun in college?

Yes, you can stay sober and still enjoy college life. It is a long-held belief that college only entails partying and alcohol. But many students have finished college without a sip of alcohol. These students report that they had other wonderful college-life experiences.

Images courtesy of Pexels and Unsplash.


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